Monday, May 10, 2010

Colonel Daniel Nagle, The Only Mexican War Veteran at the Gettysburg Re-union of 1913

Colonel Daniel Nagle

Pottsville Evening Journal, Friday July 11, 1913

Colonel Daniel Nagle, The Only Mexican War Veteran at the Gettysburg Re-union of 1913

Col Daniel Nagle of this city, had the distinction of being the only veteran of the Mexican War, so far as is known, who was present at the semi centennial celebrations of the Battle of Gettysburg. He arrived at the camp on Monday and remained until Saturday when the exercises closed. He and his comrade Daniel Donne, of this city, a member of the 48th regiment of the civil war, then went down to the battlefield of Antietam, Maryland, and the two walked over the field, visited the famous bridge, and cemetery. They found the statues erected to the members of the 48th, among them that of Gen, James Nagle, his brother, in good condition. It was upon this battle field that General Nagle rece9ved his commission as brigadier General. Gen Nagle and Gen. HArtranft, afterward Governor of Pennsylvania, with their commands successfully charged the bridge that spans the Antietam creek. This was one of the most terrific charges and the fiercest fights, in the short time, in the history of that war. The loss of men was great.
There are perhaps not twenty-five Mexican War veterans in the State. A reunion of the veterans of that war is being held today in London, Ohio. Nineteen of these war veterans of Ohio are in session. The average of these is ninety years.
Our Colonel Nagle is in his 86th year, and he is the only veteran of the Mexican War of 1846m in this county. Edward Remel of Mauch Chunk is the only one in Carbon County. He is ninety years old. There are two living in Reading and several in Philadelphia.

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