Sunday, February 7, 2010

Battle of the Bulge Anniversary Ft. Indiantown Gap 2010

On January 30, 2010 I took my grandson to the event held at Ft. Indiantown Gap in remembrances of the Battle of the Bulge, commemorating the 65th anniversary of the last major Nazi offensive against the Allies. This event is presented by the Allied and Axis Living Historians of the World War II Federation. And is an excellent program.
As most historians know the battle was fought from mid-December 1944 to late January 1945, more than a million troops were involved. And many of theses troops came from Schuylkill County. My favorite part of this event is being able to talk to the actual veterans who served and fought in this battle. I want my grandson, Nathaniel to understand what these men have given him by their sacrifices.

My Grandson Meeting Two Of The Vets..I hope He remembers This Great Oportunity!

My Wife Danielle Talking to The Vets



Members of the 84th Division "The Railsplitters"

My Wife Danielle talking to the men from the 84th Division. Her uncle Louis Piacine was with the 84th and KIA at Beck, Germany, 1945.

American Guard

American Motorcycle Driver

"PLEASE WIPE YOUR FEET!" The Sgt. said as entering the American barracks.


German Officers

Marshall, A Living historian explains his equipment 10th S.S. Recon.

Marshall expalining his kit

10th SS Tunic

German Helmet with cover.

German style Dog Tags

Soldat book a German soldiers info book

Bayonet for K 98

Belt Buckle

entrenching tool

Mess Kit

Living Historians Dave and J.P Dave on the left holds an original Luger and J.P a P-38 pistols. Both Memebers of the 10th S.S.

Christal A living Historian 10th S.S.

German Guard

Scenes from the German Area

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