Sunday, June 7, 2009

Sgt. George Kostrey A St. Clair Marine Receives Silver Star For Bravery During Korean War

1st Marine Division.
Here is another of those inspiring stories about another Schuylkill County Hero. Marine Sgt. George Kostrey, St. Clair.

St. Clair Marine Sgt.
Awarded The Silver Star
For Bravery In Action.

A St. Clair Marine Sergeant whose inspiring leadership despite painful wounds helped restore American front Lines in Korea, during heavy fighting was awarded the Silver Star Medal for , “Conspicuous Gallantry and Intrepidity in Action Against The Enemy”
Sgt. George Kostrey, son of Mrs. Anna Kostrey, of 42 North Third St., St. Clair.
The Citation , presented by the commanding general of the First marine Division, recounts how Sgt. Kostrey, a section leader of a mortar section with a Marine infantry battalion, inspired his battalion in Korea on November 27th last year. (1951)

The citation Reads:
“While occupying a defensive position, his unit came under strong attack from the enemy which had overrun part of the front lines. With complete disregard for his own safety he took a position in the midst of the heaviest fighting, defending his position with hand grenades and directing the mortar fire of his section effectively. Though painfully wounded, he continued to direct such accurate fire that the enemy was repulsed and the front lines restored.
His inspiring leadership and devotion to duty were a source of great inspiration to all members of his battalion.”

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