Monday, July 14, 2008

He Fell In A glorious Cause Francis Reed Letters 7th Pennsylvania Cavlary




Louisvil Ky. Oct. 13 1862

Dear Parents,
Again I embrace this opertunity to write to you. Since we have been here we have changed our camp three times, now we are encamped on the Bards town road. On Friday we received our sabers, today we get our pistoles and horse equiptments. Then we shall again be ready for the field. Their is no communication between Louisville and Nashvile where our company is. We will be attached to the 1st bataliion of our regement which is below Bardstown till communications is open to our company. Gen Buel is driving Brag and their has been some sever fighting 45 miles from this city. The city is quiet, troops have nearly all moved away frome here. The old camp’s are filled with wagons. Since the order from the war department has been put in force. Our troops folow after the enemy mutch faster they are not delays by long baggage trains. each one of the regiments has only three wagons now. Where they use to have 15 before. The Ohiio is very low boats cannot pass Louisvill up or down. A person can cross on foot with out wetting his shoes below the city . I had my photograph taken while at Harisburge and Samuel Wilmore, I instructed the artist to send them to Port Carbon to your address. One each you will keep and the rest you will send me. When I write for them.
About 500 paroled prisiners come into town taken at the late battles at Perryvill this morning, they start for camp Chase Ohio. Mr. Walters son from Mill Creek is here as a new recruit for our regiment. Some 5 or 6 new recruits for our company are in camp. Our company will number 115 men when we all get back to it. Not any of the exchanged men are back yet, they are making a long stay at home. I think they will get themselves into trouble by their actions.
My love to all father mother broth and sister and to Mr. Laurence, to all enquiring friends, write and direct to barrack No 1 Louisvill 7th regt. Pa cavalry company L I remain your most obediant son.

(signed) F.W.Reed

p.s. Let me know if you have my watch and the pictures.

Louisville Ky. Oct 15 1862

Dear Parents
In my last I had stated that we were to have our horses and equiptments that day. Their was prospects of us getting them, but thro some delinquency of some of our officers they were given to the 4th Ohio and we are doomed to lay idle in camp till the embucile of a quater master at this post can get some more. How soon that shall be I do not know. The boys are coming to camp now some seven that were left in Pittsburge arrived to day. I am enjoying good health at this time, tho I am afraid I shall have a tutch of feaver we have no doctor in our camp or I should have taken some medicin. For some time I have had severe pains in my head and my mouth seemed to be filled with slime every morning, but it may yet pass over without me getting any worse. we have several cases of sickness in camp. Sent two to the general hospital from here yesterday, some 700 wounded and sick soldiers from Perryvill, the wounded are not very bad. With good treatmet the most willbe able to get out in four weeks to their regiments, Major Wynkoop with the 1st batalin of our regiment was in the battle of Chaplin Hills and also Col. Hambrights regiment the 79th Pennsylvania Infantry, this regiment done nobly. They suported Scotts Indian Battria. The 3rd Batalin and the 2d of our regiment under Capt. may were in a fight 15 miles below Nashvile. They helped to rout the reble Anderson, took some 500 prisiners all the provision and foragew that they had collected at theat point which amounted to 1500 ble flour, 30 beves a large quanity of corn and oats, small arms and one canon the only one the rebles had. This was a complete a rout as they gave us on the 13 th of July last. Pennsylvania must have been in a great excitement when the reble Steuart went into Chambersburg, I think the rebles are nearly played out in Ky. Bragg is going out a little faster than he came in
I wrote to uncle Emanul and told him to write to you and give you his address if he should move before I got to the company and the regiment than you could end his adress to me. Inclose is a photograph of one of the boys of company H, you will please keep it for me. I which you send me 5 of mine and 5 of the other young ones if you have receved them. I wrote to the artist at Harrisburge an told him to direct them to you. Harry Snyder is well and sends his love to you all to Mr. Laurence and to Mrs Marttsen.
Pleas write Immediately and send pictures so that I can get them before we move form this plase and also 3 or 4 postage stamps. I would close for this time by my love to you all, I want mother to have her photograph taken as she promised me before I left home. My best respects to Mr. Laurence and Mrs Mattsen ands Mr. Mrs Medlar and all Enquiring friends.

I remai your obediant son

(signed )F.W. Reed
Direct to barrack no. 1
Louisvile Ky.
Comply L 7th Pa
Cavalry Col. Wynkoop

In the following letter and preceding letter Reed complained of their horse equipment being mis appropreated and the wait for a new issue before moving back to the front. The following items indicate what Reed and the rest of L company were issued. According to the ordance returns for 1862 and 1863 Francis and Company L of the 7th Pa. Cav. were reissued the following items.
1.. 33 Smith Carbines with slings. Also bullet molds for Smith Carbine.
2. 13 Adams pistols 44 caliber. Leather pistol belts and holsters.
3. 12 Savage army and navy pistols cal. 36. Leather pistol belts and holsters
4. Model 1840 saber.
Each soldier would also have been issued a new set of horse equipment. Containing the following items.
1. Saddle pattern 1859, complete.
2. Briddle Curb bit.
3. Briddle Watering.
4. Curry Comb.
5. Girth
6. Halter with straps.
7. Horse brush.
8. Nose bag.
9. Stirups and straps.
10. Sursingle.
11. Saddle blanket U.S. cavalry issue.
12. Spurs and straps.

Camp Pine Grove , Nov 13th 1862

Dear Parents,
Yours of the 2nd came to hand but there was some misunderstanding about our exchange and atone time we expected to get back to Pennsylvania. Our arms were taken from and we only waited for order to go. But now it is finished. We are exchanged and yesterday they again gave us our arms and this fore noon we draw our horses. And at 11 oclock we start for Nashvile by way of Elizabethtown. We received two months pay yesterday and I send home 27 doll. I kept a little more this time. I want to get a pair of gloves and a few articles before stasrting south. This will excuse me for so long a delay of answering your letter. Do not write till you here from me again. Give my respects to all enquiring friends. To Mr. W.H. Laurence, to Aunt Meyer and Mrs Becker. I remain your obediant son.

( signed ) F.W. Reed

Nashvill Tenessee Nov. 26th 1862

Dear Parents,
I promised to write as soon as I arrived at Nashvill. We came into the city last night. We had quite a pleasent time on our trip, we were 10 days on the journey 4 days of the time it rained rather hard but we did not mide it as itr was a warm rain. Tho some of the new recruits complaine considerable. 70 men had to lead 350 horses this was considirable of a job. Nashvill has change considerable since I was here last nearly every street is blackade with cotten and most of the priciple streets have rifle pits dug in where some of the finest buildings have been toren down and fortification erected on the spots the reble are in force at Murfeesboro, our advance extendes 7 miles below Nashvile towards Murfreesboro. General Rosecrans is in the city General Negley is here and General Jeff Davis they have their headquaters in the city. General Rosue is at Tyrene Sprigs 10 miles north of Nashville watchuing Morgan who is in the neighborhood with 5 thous cavalry. The last of this week the tunell will be open again than I should not be a bit suprised but what there would be some warm work or the rebles run away.
I am now Ordly sergent of our company and in the course of two weeks I think I will receive my comision as 2d leuitenent of our company, then Harry Snyder will be Ordly Sergent of the company. We have 34 men in our company, fit for duty. I think our company will receive some additions from the new recruits that are coming in every day .
Julius Wrinkler is well and whiches to be remebered to you Garet Hasken sends his love to you. Harry Snyder is in good health and whishes to be rememberd to you. And Mr. Laurence and John Freed. Give my respects to all friends I have very good health at present and hope that you all are well let me have all the news from home, how David Paul and Philip May are and where they are.
I would close for this time by signing myself your obedient son.

( signed ) F.W. Reed.
Write soon.

Direct to Nashvill Co. L
Capt. C.C.McCormick.

Camp Near Nashville Dec 15th 1862

Dear Parents,
Your welcome letter came to hand this evening and I was very glad to here from you. I was getting impatient to here which you no doubt will observe ny my two letters which I wrote last to you in regard to my money. I am satisfied now as far as mine is coincerned but will be anxious to here in regard to Julius’s
My health is remarkable good, my duties as ordly Sergt. Since my return to camp make some difference in my health. I must be up every morning at 4 oclock to call the roll and since I have returned to camp I have been sent out almost every day on some foraging party in charge of Co. L and G. Plenty of exercises I have been in two skirmishes with the rebles in both of which the rebles were routed. And on Sunday I was out again after Morgan but he skadadled, we did not have satisfaction of fighting him at Franklin. In one of the skirmishing that I participated in the rebles lost eight men killed and some 10 or 15 wounded, among the wounded was one of their lieutenants, our loss was two horses killed. Both of these horses were shott one on each side of me, my horse was near being shott, a ball buried itself between my horses front feet. Our regt. Was the only troops engaged here. We gave the rebles one voly from our horses and got behind trees, then we poured it into them thick and fast. They could not stand our fire very long they soon took to their heels, we captured some 15 or 16 of them but the balance made their escape. We got their flags the motto on the flag was LADIES PROTECTORS, for a few days in the begining of dec it was rather cold, we had ice about 3/4 inch thick, that is the coldest weather we have had. At present it is very pleasent. We still retain our Sibley tents, but I am afraid when we move again we will leave them and get small shellter tents. I think their will be adcace on Murfreesboro. Last week we had several skirmishes on Murfreesboro Pike and nearly all the troops that come here go in that direction. We have plenty to eat, pork and beans, my pay will be $20 per month and as Leutent would be $90, per month. Julius and Garet both would get their photographs taken but it is imposiable to get to plase where it can be done, no passes are given to soldiers to go to down at present. You can tell Mrs. Krebs it is imp[osible to send anything to soldiers at present. The govrment has Nashville and Louisville rail road in use and they will not alow anything but govement goods to pass over the road just now. I don’t wear silk dresses so I am not to judge them, but I think you ought to have got one for two or two fifty a yard than the money I sent home this last time woulda just paid for it. I am glad to know that Will Bensinger has a good position, but I do not think he will be able to stand soldering long.
I hope father may soon get over his boils again they are most miserable plauge. Mrs Rickert and Mrs. Jenings are both in Louisville and they which toicome down to Nashville but they cannot come down, no person is allowed to pass without some importan business calls for it.
I do not have the same opertunity now to cary thing along as I use to when Qurtmaster Sergt, If I should find any thing worth while sending home I will do so. I am sorry P. May and D. Paul could not get into our regiment. I think it would have suited them mutch better than infantry. I am mutch oblige to mother for my photograph. I was looking for it for some time. I send a few cards that were engraved by one of the men of Co. K of our regement, his name in one of the cards. The photogrqaph is very good desidely the best mother has taken. I would close for this time by sighing myself

Your obediant Son

(signed) F.W. Reed

My respects to all enquiring friends.

Write soon.

In the coming months an ugly situation will arise in the Seventh Pennsylvania Cavalry, the son in law of Colonel George C. Wynkoop, Dr. James H.B. Warfield will come under the scrutny of some of the officers in the regiment, he will be charged with numerous offenses and finally be court martialed for cowardness in the face of the enemy. This sets up an interesting situation for Sgt. Reed, the possiblity of getting a commision. And in the following letters, right up to his last letter written he will be conserned with trying to get this commision. Unfortunately Francis Reed will never wear Lieutentant bars as his commision willnot become effective until the day he is killed in action at Shelbyville Tenn.

Camp Near Nashville Tennesse Dec 19th 1862

My Dear Parents.
It is with pleasure that I now take this opertunity to write you. The boys are all out on scout, the decree has gone forth from head Quarters that Ordly Sergents are to remain in camp excepte when the troops are called out in the afternoon. So I am here rather lone some and to pass away the slow and tedious hours in camp I thought I would write a short epistle to my mutch beloved parents and give them the news as far as I am accquainted with them.
This morning orders came for the men to have three days rations in their haver sack and be ready to jump in their sadles at the sound of the bugle. The bugle sounded at about 9 oclock and the boys were ready and jumped into their sadles, for you always find the 7th the first when their is any amusement on hand. The 7th is first for fight and the last to run always. General Rosencrans with Capt. Jennings in town and speaking about differnet regements of cavalry, he said to Capt. Jennings, he says Capt. You belong to the best Cavalry Regement in the service of the United States, this is quite a complement and we all free proud of it, and you always find us up and at work. We have the name of being the best regiment and we will always try to retain that name. In the course of a few days I can give you a detail of the adventure of the scout that whent out to day. My health is as good as usual.
Thomas Rickerts and capt. Jennings left here a few days ago to Louisville to see their wives but when they arrived at Louisvill they had left for home again having failed to be able to come there to Nashville. Rickert he got down Dr. Warfield’s comision as 2d Luitenent of our company. Which throws me back for some weeks before I can get my comisien. But I will work him yet, already I have charges prefered against him whichI will bring on a cort marshall. The charges which I preferred against him are as follows. For having sought and obtained a comision from Governer Cartan under fals pretence. Which I can prove by the desicien of the cort marshall held at Nashville Tennessee in May last which Cort Marshall dismissed him from service dishonorbly. Then he, Warfield whent to Louisville and reported himself to the comding officers as an excess officer and asked to be mustered out which was done, and in that way procured an honorable discharge which papers he presented to be commissioned as Luitentent of ourt company. The Govener having previously desided that those officers that were mustered out as excess officers should have the first chance to vacancies which might occur in the regiment, but should that faile to have him dismised I have a nother charge in hand which I shall prefer. I will work him to his hearts contents so mutch so that he will which himself out of this plase mutch sooner than he will get out. Warfield whent to General Rosencrans and begged for a pass t go to Louisville and to see his wife who was their. Warfield takes this pass and he adds to the Mr. A.S. and makes it Mrs. Warfield and sends the pass to Louisville and he has Mrs. Warfield to come down, which is direct forgery above the name of Genreral Rosencrans, this will bring him out of his boots. If he was a half a man I should not opse him to come into the company, but he is to mean to be in any company, and I will not rest till I have tried every thing I know of against him.
He expects to cheat me out of my positions he has said so to some, but he will find it a little more to do than what he expected to. I have all the officers on my side, the captain told me before he left that the General implied was the 1st charge would send him up the hill. The Captains brother is going to be 1st Leutenet of our company and I am bound to be 2nd. So the capt says and what he says wil be so. The cort marshall for the first charges to come of week after next, when it dose come off I’ll let you know all the particulars.
Give my love to all enquiring friends, to Mr. Laurence to John Freed to Mr.And Mrs Guiterman and Mr. And Mrs Matesen, Harry Snyder whishes to be remebered to you all. Mr. Laurence and Mr. Freed.
Write often dont be afraid to write I am always glad to here from you anything you chose is news. I remain your obediant son.

(Signed) F.W. Reed

Camp Stanley Jan, 21st 1863

My Dear Parents,
Yours of the 25th Dec. Came to hand last evening and was glad to here from you to know that you are all well and enjoyed yourselves at a Christmas diner. We have a grand old Scout of 12 days duration, we left on the 9 and returned after an absense of 12 days. We were after Forest and Stearns, we did not get up to the main body of the rebles, but succeded in capturing some 60 of the rebles. It stormed the whole of the time we were gone in the 12 days we only had one fine day, for 4 days we had to sleep in snow six inches deep. In such scouts we take no tents and sleep in the open air. It has been the heaviest snow that the people have knowen to have fallen for years. Our rations ran out we had to live on parched corn for two days. It was rather tough but we stuck it thro and are back to camp safe and sound.
Father I want you to go to Adams Express at Pottsville, if they have an office their, for that money for Juliu’s, I stated plainly in my letter to you that I had sent the money by express. If their is no Adams Express you will find the money in Howards Express , tend to it as soon as you receive this as Julius is quite uneasy. He wants you to subscribe to the Deitchen Democrate of Pottsville and pay the postage for one half year and have the paper directed to me to the Seventh Pa. Cavalry, Col. George C. Wynkoop.
Garet Hasker is in the hospital at Nashville with a sore toe. I should have written to Mrs. Aldridge before this but I am not able to write to every one, I have agreat many to write to. I feel greatfule to the Sons Of Temperence for their good wishes towards its members, but I shall not claim any benefits for sickness while in the service. I think thay have done all that could be asked in crediting us for dues while in service.
Rosecrans is having the rail road prepared from Nashville to Murfreesboro and as soon as they have it in running order we will rush forward again. To day Harry is drawing clothes, I have not had a change of clothes since the 27th of December. So you judge they will be most joy fully received. I have been trying to finde Mrs. Heartyoke’s brother but I think he is not in the regiment, H.H. Snyder is in good heath he sends his respects to you all. My respects to all enquiring friends, I would close for this time dierect to Murfreesboro Tenesse.

I remain your most Obediant Son

(signed) F.W. Reed

Camp Near Murfreesboro Tenesse Jan 25, 1863

Dear Parents,
Again I take the opertunity to drop a few lines to You, Lt. Thompson has started home, and before this reaches you he will have arrived their, he returns in 60 days. I which you would go to James E. Gibson or Nich C. Klinschmidt and get him to make me a good cabalry boot. I want them of good leather to turn water eather calf skin or French Kip. Heavy soles than a patern mud sole, on the legs wide to come up to the knees then the front part of the upers to extend up the leg eight or ten inches, witha strap and buckle to buckle it around the leg. Gibson has my measure, I want him to make them if he can to fitt me. You can take my fine boots down and mayby they can get the sise from them they must be a little larger every way than them except in lenght which they are right. If he makes them to be shure to have the legs plenty wide enough, get them made and send them with Lt. Thompson.
I think in the corse of three weeks I will know something about Warfield, this morning the Capt. wrote to the Govener of Pennsylvania. Warfield has not been musterd into the United States Service, the only way to reach him is thro the Govener who commised him. I will give you a synopsis of the letter, below.

To his Honor Cartain :

James M.B. Warfield who you have comisioned as a 2d Lt. of Comp L 7th Pa. Cavalry, he has been under arrest since Wednesday 5 Jan 1863, for cowardly running before my comp in face of the enemy and therby and therly disgracing him self, the company and the regiment, and I would ask that you would null and void his comission, and comisiion Francis W. Reed of Port Carbopn Schuylkill Co. Pa. in his stead. He is comission to date from the first of Jan. since which time he has been acting as 2d Lut. of the company. It will advance the entrest of the comp and regement by having him dismissed.
I am in good health at present and remain your obediant son.

(Signed) F.W. Reed

D. Paul and H.H. Snyder both which to be remembered to you all

In the following letter Reed talks about the gallant charge through Rover and Unionville Tenn.On March 4th 1863 Col. Minty ordered the Seventh Pa. cavlary to charge into the rebel held cmp at Unionville, Tenn. Cloasing ranks the and forming into column of fours the Seventh advanced. From Minty and the Cavlary the account of this charge is taken.
“The rebels rushed, in wild disorder, down the pike toward Unionville, with sabers of the Seventh cutting up their rear the whole distance. At Unionville, a camp of three regiments of cavlary and one of infantry recruits or conscripts was found, and in which the enemy attempted to make a stand; but being closely pressed by the Seventh, and thrown into confusion by the fugitives from Rover, they broke and fled in a panic before fairly struck by more than the leading platoons.
Without satopping to gather up the infantry or the camp and garrison equipage, the pursuit was continued, with constant captures from the rear of the fleeing foe, until within five miles of Shelbyville, the rebel cavalry found shelter behind a division of Polk’s corps. So determined and persistent was the pursuit that the rebel infantry picket within half a mile of Polk’s camp was run over and five of them captured. Captains Garrett and McCormick, with Lieutenant Vale, and four or five men f the Seventh, actually rode into the line of one of Polks division’s and received a heavy volley from a full brigade. every man and horse in this squad was struck by the enemy’s bullets, burt none of the men injured.
We captured at Unionville alone fifty one unwounded prisoners, seventeen wagons of bacon, meal and bsides thirty one prisoners all wounded with the saber. The mkilled of the enemy was known to reach thiry eight. The Seventh used the saber only, did not fire a shot, and had one man wounded, which was the only casualty in the brigade.
Captain C.C. Davis commanded and led the Seventh Pennsylvania in this charge, greatly distinguisshing himself for his personal bravery and signal ability. And was highly praised by col. Minty in his official report.”
In recognition of this gallant charge by the Seventh Pennsylvania, General rosecrans sent out a General order stating that it should be known henceforth in the Department of the Cumberland that the Seventh Pennsylavania Cavlary will be known as “ The Saber Regiment Of The Army Of The Cumberland.”

Campa Near Murfreesboro March 20. 1863

Dear Parents,
It is with pleasure I take this opertunity to write a few lines and give you some of the news from camp. The Leutenat and 15 of our men are out on scout, I should have gone along but my horse is foundered so that I could not ride this time. I just came in from a chase after Van Dorn
and I had the pleasure of participating in one saber charge. Our regiment numbering 150 men charge into a reble camp of 800 men, they shot two voleys but we did not stop to fire, we rushed into them with our sabers and compleatly routed them. Many a poor butternutt had a sore head that day from the sabers of some of the seventh. On the charge capt. Scantlin tryed to keep back the 3rd battalion, I made three efforts to pass him withour company, before I got passed him he threatened to cut of my head twice if I attemped to go a head, but the third time I succeded to get away from him and our company was soon at the head of the column with Capt. davis of Comp. I who led the charge. We followed the rebles with in 3 miles of Shelbyvill we drove in their infantry pickets, we then thought it was time to stop. Capt. scantlin since we have returned to camp has been asked to resign to save the reputation of the 3d batalion. He is to leave his country cause for his country’s good. Maj Givin has also shown the white feather in several skirmishes that he has been in. It is strongly talked among the officers to aske him to resign.
This morning it is reported that the rebls are advancing on us. While I am writing the canons are booming on the Shelbyvill and Manchester and Wartrace roads, and infantry firing has been going on more or less allnight.
John Miller and Danial Paule came to camp yeaterday, they look well we were all right glad to see them. While I was of on a scout Harry received two pies which he kept for me till my return they were very good but I received no letters for some time. One I received from cosin Selia Mc Dondere, Col George C. Wynkoop left for Schuylkill Co. yesterday. I should have sent some money but did not know he was going until it was to late. We received two months pay yesterday. Julius and I will send some money by express in a few days. I will write to you as soon as I send it off. Maby I will not send any. I expect that the trouble between Warfield will be setled to morrow, and I have the assuranmce of Capt. mcCormick and Col. Minty that I am right. If it does turn out all right I will need the money which I drawed to an outfit. Julius sends his respects to you all, Harry is out on a scout, but he I know alwyas whiches to be rembred to you.
I would close for this time my respects to my friends my love to all the famlia.
I remain very obediant Son F.W. Reed

This enclosed ids a genuine Confed 5 doll bill captured in the reble camp, the small on is the kinde the rebles were paid off with. We capture the paymaster and all his bagus money.

Apparently by the context of this letter written by Sgt. Francis reed’s commanding Officer Captain C.C. McCormick, there was some concern by his parents as to his well being.

Murfreesboro Tenn.
March 24th 1863

Mr. Obediah Reed
Port Carbon, Pa.

Dear Sir,
The 17th inst. making inquiries about your son F.W.Reed came to hand today. I am sorry you have had reason to be uneasy about your son, and it affords me gratification to be able to report him in excellent health, and in the height of enjopyment of a soldiers life, that he is a model soldier and I might say a favorite of mine, and I expect by the time when I make out my next muster rolls to be able to muster him as a 2nd Lieut. of the company. That he may have been a little neglignet in writing home I have no doubt, but a letter from him will explain all satisfactoryly I presume.

Signed C.C. McCormick.

Camp Stanley near Murfreesboro March 27 1863

My Dear Parents:
Yours of the 19th Inst came to hand last evening and I was glad to hear from you. I thought that some one had died or you had moved which caused you to delay you writing so long a time, but your letter explains all. Captain McCormick received yours he thought I was rather dilatory in writing home. I am glad to know you are all well. my health is good as ever. I am gl;ad to know D. Prise has beento see you I supose he could answer all your questions and drink cider it not do Harry and I mutch good but we know it did those good who did drink. I am sorry about the neddle book which I threw away but it made me angrey it was not what I sent for I hope I have not made any one angry it was good of the kinde but the kinde was not right.
The mince pies are all right they were very good but had not come to hand when I wrote the other letter. I regard to Garret Hasker, he is in good health at Nashville. Driving teams in the 1st Independent Regiment, it is made of convalescients from hospitals in and around Nashville. Daneal Paul seen him when he came thro Nashville last week. It is strange he does not write hom I understood he wrote home regular. Lt. reily seen the Govnor who refered the whole case to a Couy Martial in this department. The court Martial is siting now that is to try him. And the Captain thinks the case wil come up before the court to day. I have orders to keep my self in readiness to attend at a moments warning. The Captains uncle from Milton Pa paid us a visite yesterday. He came to see his son who was wounded in picket some fore or five weks ago. He came yesterday in the morning train and now his son died the nioght before, he might have beeni time to see him alive but for some of the mean red tape at Nashville where he was detained without cause what ever. we were glad to see him he is a fine man and speaks well. He leaves with the body of his son for Pa, this afternoon.
Danial Paule and John Miller have returned from Camp Parole they look and they both enjoy good health. Since my last letter we have been after the rebles again they were shotting on our pickets on the Shelbyvile pike for several days. On the 24th our regiment was sent out to find ewhat their force was. we whent out some 8 miles from town drove in their pickets but furhter than that we did nothing. Returned to camp without making any captures or fighting which is not oftenthe case. To day orders came to make out the pay rolls for the months of January and February. we are to be paid in a few days. The boys are all in good spirits the paym,aster causes the moste rejoicing in the army of any body or anything except the finale setlement of this war.
Col. Wunkoop has gone home the general impressin is that he will resighn. Warfield’s wife and three children are in camp now they have been here for some time. John E. Wynkoop he is still at home and the probelities are he will stay at home. Maj Givin has sent in his resighnation so leaves room for three Captains to the position of Major. This is the cause of considerable spouting among the shoulder straps, some lay claim to according to rank and positioin others claim it as being the best informed men others as having earnt it in courage in battle. I supose their willbe some resighning in consequence of the appointments if any are made. While writing Sgt. ( he left blank) of Co. A droped in and stated that he heard D. Prise had got married if so I which mutch joy him and his wife.
The boys are out drilling and I should be out also but I am minus a horse, our whole companie is nearly dismounted, it is almost imposiable to get horses down this way for cavalry. we only can mount 13 men in our company now. and if we do not soon get some hay and oats the horses can not stand it in the service long on corn, it kills them in a short time. Thomas Rickerts has been using all means and ways to get hay but their is none to be ahd in the country. Wagon trains dare not venture beyond the pickets vwery far without a strong guard for the rebles are prowling about watching chances to capture our wagon trains.
On the 18th inst. the rebles crossed the Harpeth river some six miles above Franklin whent the brent wood between Franklin and Nashville captured 300 of our A large quantity of amunition and provision. The men under General Clay given Smith of Franklin pesued them 8 miles from Brentwood he overtook the rebls recaptured all the wagons ansd amunition but he had to destry it all to save it from faling into the hands of the rebs again. Thye attacked hikm with an overwhelmiong force, 5000 men against his 500, we lost 1 killed and 16 wounded and missing he took 62 rebles prisoners.
Give my best respect to Mr. And Mrs. Mattsen to Mr. And Mrs Medlar and Mr.and Mrs. Guiterman to Mr. W. H. Laurence to miss Freed. Afternoon the court martial is put off till to morrow, as soon as it comes off I will let you know the result. When you write to Mrs. West remeber me kindly to them all. H.H. Snyder and Julius and D. Paul all whish to be remebered to you. Julius would like to know why he does not receive any more papers, he has not received any since the 1st one several weeks ago. Father let him know the reason.
My love to all the famlia.
I remain your obediant son.
(Signed) F.W.Reed

Park Barracks Louisvill Ky. Apr. 26 1863

My Dear Parents,
You will maby be a little suprised to see my letter dated Louisville, I have been up here for a week now. And the prospects are that we willstay six or eight weeks longer. General Stanley is up here trying to procure horses for his division. 125 men out of the regement are here. I have charge of 63 of them and Ordly Sergent of company I of our regement has comand of the balalnce, the whole under the comnd of Maj. Davis of our regement. The report is quite current here that we will be sent to Indianna for our horses. We have a good time here nothing to do, and the privilage of roaming over the whole city.
Mrs. Warfield before I left camp paid a complement, she told Lt. McCormick that I would better stay in Louisville. The boys as I stated in my other letter put their heads together to buy a saber for our Lutenent and our Captain. Yesterday Mr. Judge and myself made the purchaste, we got a beutifule one for the captain for 75 dolls a belt for 5 dolls and a sash for 15 doll and a saber for 75 dolls for Luetenent. Will be present to them in the corse of a few days. I was to present the sabers but now I am not their to do it for which I am very sorry, for the boys will have a good time.
I was down to day the boys wanted my likeness so I whent and had a dozen taken I send you one and our boys a member of our company, what doyou thinkof them. Write.

(This letter was incomplete)

Camp near Murfeesboro May 15, 1863

Dear Parents,
Your welcome letter came to hand to day and I was happy to here from you to know that you were all well, and to know that you received the money which I sent you. D. Paul had received a letter from D in which it states that the money had got home safe.
Mother can dfo as she sees fit as to giving one of them photographs away and which suits her. I think they were both good pictures. I sent one to Celia Bennsinger and one to Grandfather Bennsinger, they were taken at the same place, the one was taken at Louisvill and the other at Harrisburge. ( A pretty boy always makes a good picture you know).
In regard to Julius and my pay. I supose Julius does spend as mutch as I do, that is the onley way I can account for his sending [ more ] money home than I do.
The news we have from the Potomack are not as cheering as yours were, and the news to day are not mutch account. Hooker is back occupyoing his old position and Lee ocuppes his, the same as before the battle.
I an sorry to here of the death of Henry Heuber and A. Alisen and hope it may yet prove to be fals. I am very glad to here Charles is still at work ansd doing so well. I hope he will continue to do so as long as he has employment, and be a smart boy. David I supose is going to school, I hope so at least Danial Paule had a letter from David,wrote by Levi. I quess David could write me if he would try harder. I should be very happy to see Mr. Fry and have a chatt with him. When yiou see him again give him my best respects.
I seen in the Mines Journal that Capt. Towers had been apointed Provost Marshall of the 10 district. I am glad to here that Mr. Laurence has procured a good position which will exempt him from draft, for I would not like to see him drafted. Did I understand right he goes into the Provost Martial’s office at Pottsville. If I could get any more such as I sent you ( Bibles) some time ago I would. John Miller made that purpose for me at Camp Parole Maryland and brot it along here. At this plase their is mutch duty to do. I am sorry Mr. Mattsen has sold his interest in the store, I thought after the war was to get a positionwith him again if he want any more help in the store. I am glad to know Frank and France time is up so they can go home. I think if I was in the Army of Potomack I should want to go home, they have not once had a vicitory in 18 months, it is enough to discourage the mento fight under such circumstances, I would acknowledge the receipt of two postage stamps. In reference to my promotion I cannot say anything. The sentence of the court I gave you in my last. It was sent to Genrl Rosecrans for approval and has not been returned. The Captain says I shall have the position. That is all I can say at this time what causes the delay I do not know.
I should be very happy to havea postion with L. Merz when I return which will only be 18 months longer , but I am not tired of the army, no not such a General as we have here. Rosecrans I could put three more years under him. You may expeck to here something from this department. Capt. Is on Genl Stanley’s staff. He told me the prospects were good Genl Stanlys Corps taking a trip to Knoxvie in the corse of a few day’s. So if you do not here from me for some time do not be surporised you may here or see accounts of us in papers after we start. The expedition is to cut of comunication between Richmand and Talahoma, and get in the rear of Bragg, cut up his trains and make him get out of his entrenchments. Col. Straight who started out from here some 3 weeks ago to go to Alabama and Georgia to destroy some magaziens of powder and provison that they had accumulated. It was expected that they would be captured when they left or make their way to the Army of the Poomack, or on the coast of Georgia or South Carolina, he was captured near Rome Georgia, he destroyed considerable rail road but it is not known whether he distroyed the magaziens or not. He had 5 fights and led them in achase for 500 miles. The order was 1st issued for our brigade to go but GeneralStanley presuaded Genl. Rosecrans he could not spare his cavlary in such circumstances, so that brigade of mounted infantry was sent, and all are prisiners if the reble pickets in our front tell the truth. The reble pickets and our pickets only stand apart about 1.2 mile, they come up to our pickets to change papers and a chew of tobaco. Pickets do not fire on each other as they did a month ago, they make an ocasional dash to try to capture some. Yesterday the rebles made a dash on our pickets on the Salem Pike. Our men stood their ground repulesd them kille the Lt. In charge and one private.
My health is good at present. I have just got a good horse he is just as neat as a picture and can run a streak, I am all right for a good scout now, the Lt had to go on picket to day he did not feel right well, picket duty is something I do not do in my present position.
H.H. Snyder and Julius send their best respects to you my love to all familia. Write soon I would close by signing myself your obediant son.

(Signed) F.W.Reed

Camp Near Murfreesboro Tenneesee June 1st 1863.

My Dear Parents,
Yours of the 17th came to hand this afternoon and I was happy to here from you. It must be three weeks since I heard from you and that us quite a time to wait. Our intended or expected scout did not come yet, but we are in daily expectations of it. We have been under marching orders over aweek, we have 5 days rations inour haversacks at all tiime ready to go at moments notice.
I am glad to here you are all well. My health at present is not very good. I have been sick for about a week with the billious fever, but am on the mend. So mutch better in that I can be about, but am not reported for duty.
I think father you have made a very good purchase, you do not intend to move to St. Clair do you. Or could you do better by moving up there than you can do by stoping in Port Carbon. You shall have all the money that I can give towards paying for the property, but I thought you had more money than that, that it takes to pay for that property. Or has K [ ] not payed you anything on the bonds you hold against him. In the corse of a week or two we will be paid again than I will send you $ 25 and Julius $ 20, it will not be a very great amount but it will help towards making up $ 50. How do you heave to pay. Have you yearly instalments, or is it cash down. If I come back I will take Mr. Mertze offer., but it is some time yet before the regements time is up. I don’t think I shall loose any thing by having enlisted. I think I will do better here yet before my term of service closes. Tho some unforseen dificulties have sprung up in the shape of a Lt. Co. Taken great interest in the promotion of some of regtmental non-comisioned officers, but I think I have al things right. This afternoon Lt. McCormick whent down to see Genl Stanley in regard to my comispion. If he comes back before I colose I will give you the news. Warfield has gone home, the order for dismissing him was read before the regement last evening. My recomendation the Lt. And Major Seibert was sent to the Govener this morning, in about two weekss I will know how things stand. I am glad Charly still is at work, but I think David is to young. Going to school woud do him more good than working for $ 1.50 or $ 2.00 per week. I am very glad to know that Haenry Huber is not killed, if Francis Burnsinger or Frank are going to enliste tell them to enlist in our regement, for cavalry is so mutch easier than infantry. I should like to see them in our company we have a fine Captain and Lt.
I am sorry to here that Grandmother is so feable but I she may get better as the fine weather is setting in. When you write to grandfather and grandmother give my kindest regards to them. I would like to see them after this war is over or at least when my time is up. I hardly think that the war will be closed, I see what a great many of our Generals are doing. You know that the most of our big Genls are of the Democratic Party, that is out of power and popularity, now the idee is I think for the Genrls to prolong the war thro this adminstration, pile all the fault on the adminsistration that at the end of this administration wind up the war in a hurry and claim it as a democratic victory and keep the democratic Party in power for years to come. I beleive the Genls to be loyal but to be controled to mutch by their political friends at home. One of our boys got a letter from one of the copperheads of Berks County. I am sorry that I can not get a copy oh it was spicy, the Col has the letter he is going to have the fellow put throthe mill, his name is Doctor Moyer. Have you eny such arch demons in Port Carbon, I hope not. I do not know but what old Myer might be a Copperhead or enything els in the shape of a devile. He ought not to be to treat Aunt in that manner. I hope Aunt will never go back to him again. How does Templins and Chearles Myer come on. Give my respects to Aunt Myer.
Harry and I send our best respects to Mr. W.H. laurence, I hope as he is clerk in the Provost Marshals Office when the draft comes of they put such fellows as W. Leur’s and all the young men who have no families to dtain them at home. Sine them a good draft, one that will betch them out in the field. D. Paul. Julius and Harry which to be rememberd to you. My love to all the families, how is emlia, write soon again.

Below I give you charges against Warfield and the order for dismisal from service.
Headquaters Department of the Cumberland, May 12, 1863.
At the General Court Martill which convened at headquaters of first Cav brigade on 1st of Apriil 1863 persuent to order no. 34 from Headquaters Cavl. Department of the Cumberland and of which Lt. Col. Z.B.Park, 4th Michigan Cav, is president, was arranged and tried Lt. J.H. B. Warfield 7th Pa. Cav, on the following charges and specifications, In this that 2 Lt. J.H.B. Warfield, Co. L 7th Pa, Cav. did while on duty with his company when said co. was deployed as skirmishers in front of the enemy. On trhe battlefield of Stone river, near Murfreesboro, on the 1st day of Jan. 1863 at the 1st fire of the enemy’s artillery upon us while in that position, disgrasfully run from the field, in violation of the order of his superior officer and whenordered by said superior officer to halt paid no attention to the order, bbut continued running at full speed untell he was forceable stop by the comanding officer of the company, all this on the batlefield of Stone river near Murfreesboro on the first day of january 1863.

Specification in this that he Lt. J.H.B. Warifield 2d Lt Co. L 7th Pa. Ca. was on the 5th day of march 1863 regulary detailed to go to Nashvill in charge of 40 men to bring horses to Murfresboro that he the said Lt. J.H.B. Warfield was guilty of gross neglect of guty in the discharge of his comission. In consequence of which about sixty horses were lost this at Murfreesboro in the mOnth of March 1863.
To all of which the accused pleaded not guilty.
Finding of the Court.
Of the specificate 1st Charge Guilty
of 1st charge Guilty
of the specificate 2d charge Not Guilty
of 2d charge Not Guilty
Sentence, and the copurt do therefore sentence the said Lt. J.H. B. Warfield 7th Pa, ca. to be dissmised the service of the United States, The findings and sentence of the court are aproved the sentence will be carried into effect in accordiance with the Department General Order No. 9
By Comand of Major Genl Rosencrans.

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