Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Tragedy in War

Civil War type fortifications.

Accidentally Killed.

It is one thing to be killed in battle, but shot accidentally or by one of your own men is a real tragedy.

On July 16, 1864 a letter was written to the Miners Journal concerning the death of Capt. Samuel McKee, formerly from Pottsville, who was accidentally killed by one of his own men.
The letter states that on the June 21, 1864 before Marrietta, while skirmishing with the enemy, he was killed by a gun in the hands of one of his own men.
It seems that Capt. Mckee and his men were sheltered in an old log house, picking off rebel sharpshooters. Capt. Mckee the best marksman wounded a rebel sharpshooter. Two rebels came from behind their shelter to help their comrade off. The Captain saw this, and asked that another gun be handed to him quickly. It was handed to him cocked, it discharged and the contents entered his right side, and passing out of the left, carrying away part of his lungs and liver. He lived until the next day. When he died he breathed the following words: "Tell my brother I have done my duty."
Capt. Mckee was an officer who was highly esteemed by all who knew him. He was faithful in the discharge of his duty, and brave to a fault. In his death the cause of liberty and human rights lost a staunch champion.

A Civil War a ambulance crew.

November 22, 1862 brought home to the people of Schuylkill County the news that another of her sons was dead, accidentally killed. George W. Overbrook, aged 28 years, a member of Company G, 8th Penna. Cavalry, was accidentally killed on the 2d instant, while assisting at Unionville, Va., to convey wounded men from the field. It seems that while lifting a wounded man into the ambulance he was driving, a gun was accidentally discharged, the contents entering his head killing him instantly. Mr. Overbreck was a son of J.B. Overbeck of this borough (Pottsville) an excellent young man, and a thoroughly good soldier. He had passed through four battles unscathed, to meet his death by this unfortunate occurrence. A sad affair, truly.

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