Monday, November 26, 2007

Part 1 Schuylkill soldiers who fought at Gettysburg

This is a project I started a few years ago. I know it is probably not complete but I think I got most of those listed on the Pa. monument. If I missed someone please feel free to email me and I will add the soldier.


During the battle of Gettysburg the state of Pennsylvania supplied over 23,400 men and Schuylkill County alone had over 700 men engaged in the conflict. Pennsylvania would suffer 5,886 men to the battle, Schuylkill all though much lower would lose 13 men in the battle. Men in the 151st P.V.I. would have the honor of serving in a regiment that was listed as having the second highest loses of Union regiments at Gettysburg having 337 casualties and a 72.2% loss. 13 men would serve in 107th P.V.I. that would have over 165 men captured. On the third day Schuylkill countain's riding with the 3rd Penna. Cavalry would fight and be listed as the 8th highest casualties for cavalry regiments in the battle.


1st Corps 2nd Div. 2nd Brig.
292 engaged 5k-52wd-60m.

Monument located on Doubelday Ave.

1. PVT. David Adams Co.H / West Penn.
Killed in action July 1.
2. PVT. Terence Cunningham/ Co. H/ Tamaqua.
3. PVT. Joseph Herring Co. H/ Rahn/ Coaldale
4. PVT. John Koch Co. H/ Tamaqua
Wounded July 1.
5. PVT. Joseph Moser Co. H/ Rahn /Coaldale
6. PVT. Josiah Poh Co. H/ Rahn Township
Wounded at 2nd Bull Run/Killed in action July 1..
7. Pvt. Christian Halderman/ Tamaqua.
8. Pvt. Lewis Moyer/ Tamaqua.

6th Corps 3rd Div. 1st Brig.
538 engaged 1K-13 wd.

Monument located Slocum Ave.
" The regiment was placed in reserve in rear of this position at 9:30 a.m. of the 3d, and subsequently five companies advanced into the breast works. During the heavy cannonade it moved with the brigade to support the left center."

1. Pvt. Benjamin Jenkins Co. H/ Pottsville.
2. Pvt. John Killrain Co. C/ Tamagua.

23rd PVI.
6th Corps 3rd Div. 1st Brig.
Monument located on Slocum Ave.

The regiment was placed in the reserve of the rear of this
position at 9:30 a.m. of the 3rd. and five companies advanced into the breast works. During the heavy cannonade it moved with the brigade to support the left.

3. Lt. William Clark Co.E/ Pottsville.
4. Pvt. James Buchanan Co. E/ Shenandoah
5. Pvt. Reuben Dewald Co. H.

365 engaged 30k-176wd-7m

Monument located Emmitsburg Road.
" July 2nd went into action here."

1. Pvt. James Goldsmith Co. F/ Pottsville.
Captured at Gettysburg.
2. Pvt. William Owuller Co D./ Donaldson.

27th Pennsylvania Infantry
11th, Corps. 2nd Div. 1st Brig.
324 6k-29wd-76m

Monument located on
East Cemetery Hill, July 1, 1863 the regiment moved with the brigade on the afternoon to N.E. side of Gettysburg where it became actively engaged covering the retreat of the Corps. It finally moved into the cemetery where it remained until the close of the battle.

1. Pvt. John Herrman Co. D/ Pottsville.

12th Corps 2nd Div 1st Brig.
370 engaged 3k-23wd-2m

Monument located Slocum Ave. near Rock Creek.
"Arrived at 5pm. July 1st and went into postion on the ridge north of little Round Top. at 6:30 am. July 2nd moved to Culp's Hill where the regiment advanced to Rock Creek to support the skirmish line. At Dark retired and moved with the brigade. Returned at About 3 am. July 3rd and at 8 am. relieved the troops in the breast works; was relieved in turn and again advanced and occupied the works from 4pm. to 10 pm."

1. 1st Lt. James Silliman Co. A/ Pottsville
2. Sgt. Alex. Mckecheny Co. A/Lost Creek
3. Corp. William Moyer Co. A/ Tamaqua/ Mahanoy City.
4. Pvt. AAron Moser Co. E/ Rahn Township.
5. Pvt. Gideon Moser Co. E/ Rahn Township.
6. Pvt. Herbert Weston Co. E/ Tamaqua
7. Pvt. Thomas Young Co. E/ Blythe
8. Pvt. James Shirey Co. A/ Mahanoy City
9. Pvt. Dan Sittler Co. A/ Mahanoy City 10. Pvt. Thomas Cunnigham Co. A/ Rush Township.
11. Pvt. Harrison Hill Co. A/ New Silver Brook.
12. Pvt. Patrick McShea Co.A/ Kelayres
13. Pvt. Richard Brennan Co. E/ Blythe Twp.
14. Pvt. Michael McAllister Co. E/ Pottsville/Blythe.
15. Pvt. Robert Petit Co. E/ Pottsville
16. Pvt. Maberry Trout Co.E/ Tamaqua.
17. Pvt. Joseph Zehner Co.E/ Tamaqua.
18. Pvt. Edward Boyle Co. E/ Coaldale.

12th Corps, 2nd Div., 2nd Brig.
485 engaged 15k-43wd-8m

Monument Located

Slocum Avenue
July 2nd position of the regiment at 7p.m. the Brigade was withdrawn, and on returning during the night found the enemy in these works. The regiment took position in rear of this line, with its right as indicated by the tablet located to the left and rear. And from their a charge of the enemy of the 3rd was repulsed

1. Sgt. Patrick Downey Co. F/ Pottsville.
2. Pvt. Matthew Dornar Co. A/ Cass Twp.


1. Pvt. Charles Bowman Co. B/ Shenandoah.
2. Pvt.Harrison Foreman Co. E/ Port Clinton.


1. Pvt. John H. Johnson Co. B


Monument Located on

1. 2Lt. Jacob Bonewitz Co. k/ Pottsville.
2. Mus. Emanuel Kurtz HQ./
3. Pvt. Joel Metz Co. E/ Ashland.
4. Pvt. Henry Kern Co. A/ Ringtown.
5. Pvt. William Ackey Co. E/ Port Clinton.

12th Corps 1st Div. 1st Brig.
262 engaged 2K-10wd-1m

Monument located on Slocum Ave.
" July 2 the regiment constructed and held these works until evening when the division moved to the support of the left of the line. Returning in the night the enemy was found in the works and the regiment was posted in the open field to the rear until the enemy was driven out, when it returned and held the
works until the close of the battle."

1. Pvt. Cornelius NeisshwenderCo. K / Mahantongo Valley.
2. Pvt. John A Gilger Co. K / Pottsville.
3. Pvt. Samuel Weidner Co. E/ Tamaqua.
4. Pvt. Edward Hume Co. K/ Park Place/ Mahanoy City.


1. Pvt. Jacob Hill Co. B/ Mahanoy City.


1. Pvt. Patrick McLaughlin Co. C/ Rahn Twp.
2. Pvt. Johnn Sennet Co. B/

1st Corps 1st Div. 2nd Brig.
252 engaged 14k-61wd-55m

Monument located on Reynolds Ave.
"The regiment here delivered the opening fire of the infantry in the battle of Gettysburg in the forenoon of July 1st 1863.

1. Sgt. John C. Delaney Co. D/ Foster Twp.
Dies 13 Dec. 1863
2. Corp. George Allison Co. K Port Carbon
KIA Spottsylvania C.H. May 1864.
3. Harrison K. Smith Co. K Port Carbon
KIA Gettysburg July 1, 1863.
4. Pvt. Isaac Jones Co. K/ St. Clair/ Ashland.
5. Pvt. Mike Moher Co. K/ East Mines.
6. Sgt. Harrison Smith Co. K
7. Corp. Isaac Jones Co. K
8. Pvt. Michael H. Ealy Co. C/ New Mines.
9. Pvt. Jeremiah Hutchison Co. K/ Branchdale.
10. Pvt. John Mason Co. K/ Mahanoy City.
11. Pvt. Michael Shaughnessy Co. D/ Kelayres.
12. Pvt. John Lambert Co. F/ Pottsville.


1. Pvt. Augustus Seiler Co. G/ Pottsville.

5th Corps 1st Div. 2nd Brig.
426 engaged 28k-107wd-40m.

Monument located De Trobriand Ave.
" Position occupied by the regiment on the evening of July 2, 1863 after the troops on the right had retired, and where the brigade had a bayonet contest.

1. Pvt. Henry Sharere Co. I/ M.O. Vet. July 1864

2nd Corps 2nd Div. 2nd Brig.
329 engaged 40k-80wd-17m

Monument located on Webb Ave.
" This position was held by the 69th July 2nd and 3rd 1863 in the afternoon of the 2nd this regiment assisted in repulsing a desperate attack made by Wright's Brigade. About 1 O'clock P.M. of the 3rd, these lines were subjected to an artillery fire from nearly 150 guns, lasting over an hour after which Picketr's Division charged this position, was repulsed and nearly annihilated. The contest on the left and centre of this regiment, for a time being hand to hand."

1. Pvt. Charles Jenkins Co. D/ Minersville
Killed in Action on July 3rd by being wounded in the stomach.
2. Pvt. Henry Owens Co. E/ Lost Creek.
3. 1st. Lt. John Ryan Co. F/ North Manheim Twp./ Captured.

2nd Corps 2nd Div.2nd Brig.
331 engaged 21k-58wd-19m

Monument located on Webb Ave.

" To the left of this point on July 2, the 71st Penna. assisted in repulsing the furious attack of Wright's Brigade. During the terrific cannonading of July 3rd the regiment occupied a position 60 yards in the rear of this spot, a number of men voluntarily helping to work Cushing's disabled Battery. As the enemy
emerged from Seminary Ridge the regiment was ordered forward the left wing to this point the right wing to the right rear. When Pickett's Division rushed upon the wing in overwhelming numbers it fell back into line with the right, thus bringing the whole regiment into action, with the additional use of a large number of loaded muskets gathered from the battlefield of the previous day."

1. Pvt. Reuben Miller Co. K/ Schuylkill Haven.
Wounded in the left side of the face and killed July 3, 1863. (Buried in Pa. Plot E 1)

2nd Corps 2nd Div. 2nd Brig.
458 engaged 44k-146wd-2m

Monument located on Webb Ave.
" The regiment reached this angle at 1 a.m. took position in rear of this monument. Supported Cushings Battery A 4th US Artillery. At 6p.m. assisted in repulsing an attack of the enemy and in making a counter charge, driving them beyond the Emmitsburg Road capturing 250 prisoners."

1. Corp. Joseph W. Wythes Co. H


1. PVT. Charles Horn Co. K/ Ashland.

11th Corps 3rd Div. 2nd Brig.
258 engaged 19k-89wd-3m

Monument located on Howard Ave and National Cemetery.
" July 1. Fought on this postion from 2 p.m. until the Corps retired. July 2/3 Held postion at stone wall near cemetery as shown by monument there."

1. Sgt. Charles Goodman Co. F/ Schuylkill Township
2. Sgt. Joseph Newell Co. F/ Minersville
3. Pvt. Jacob Yost Co. D
4. Pvt. Philip Mohan Co. D/ Minersville
5. Pvt. Mathias Laubach Co. D/ Mahanoy City.
6. Pvt. James Cloan Co. D/ Cass Township.
7. Pvt. Charles Walzenegger Co. D/ Ashland.
8. Pvt. John Guenther Co. E/ Minersville.
9. Pvt. Jacob Busch Co. I
10. Pvt. Lorenz Long Co. I/ Ashland
11. Pvt. David White Co. A
12. Pvt. Fredrick Wentz Co. A/ Mahanoy City.
13. Pvt. Christopher Weir Co. A/ Mahanoy City.
14. Pvt. Philip Hoffman Co.D/ Ashland.
15. Pvt. Gottlieb Horning Co. D/ Minersville.
16. Pvt. John Hartman Co. E/ Blythe Twp.
17. Pvt. Louis Sechler Co. E/ Pottsville.
18. Pvt. Mathias Kaefer Co. F/ Pottsville.
19. Sgt. Barnabus Billeau Co. C St. Clair.
20, Pvt. Frederick Stutz served in the Co. C, 75th PA, 8/22/61 - 8/16/64

2nd Corps 1st Div. 1st Brig.
190 engaged 5k-49wd-8m

Monument located Wheatfield.
"Fought on this line July 2nd."

1. Corp. James King Co. H/ Tamaqua
2. Pvt. Owen Fisher Co. H/ Rahn Township.
Captured 1864 dies in Richmond.
3. Pvt. Isaac Kennard Co. K/ Tamaqua/ Wounded 6-3-64
4. Pvt. Alex Snedden Co. H/ Coaldale.
5. Maj. Thomas Harness HQ./ Tamaqua
6. Pvt. James Murray Co. H/ Tamaqua.

6th Corps 3rd Div. 1st Brig.
320 engaged 6wd

Monument located Slocum Ave.
" July 3rd marched from near Little Round Top and occupied the works in front at 11:30 a.m. relieving other troops."

1. Lt. Col. J.M. Wetherill/ Pottsville./ M.O. Vet 1864
2. Pvt. George Lass Co. C/ Pine Grove./ Minersville.
3. Pvt. James Stapelton Co. A/ Tamaqua.
4. Pvt. Mark Foster Co. C/ Seek.
5. Pvt. Philip Heilman Co. C/
6. Pvt. William Higgins Co. C/ Tamaqua.
7. Pvt. David Mattson Co. G/


1. Pvt. John A. Sneddon Co. B/ Shenandoah.

1st Corps 2nd Div. 2nd Brig.
296 engaged 4k-55wd-51m

Monument located on Doubleday Ave.
" About noon on July 1st 1863, the regiment was in line along the Mummasburg road, 200 yards SE of this monument. Later it changed direction and formed here, charged forward and captured two battle flags and a number pf prisoners. At 4pm the Divison was overpowered and forced through the town."

1. Pvt. John Beaumont Co. A/ St. Clair./ KIA Petersburg 1864.

2. Pvt. William Beaumont Co. A/ St. Clair
Mortally wounded July 1, 1863 buried in plot B73.
3. Pvt. George Beaumont Co. A/ St. Clair
Wounded Fredricksburg 12-13-62
4. Pvt. Wiliam Pugh Co. A/ Died 8-1-64 City Point Va.
5. 2Lt. Jacob Kram Co. A/ Pottsville.
6. C.W. Hoffman Co. A/ Ravine.

6th Corps 3rd Div. 3rd Brig.
270 engaged 10wd.

Monument located Sedgwick Ave. and North of Wheatfield Road.
" After charging with the brigade from the right of Little Round Top in the evening of July 2nd and assisting in the repulse of the enemy and in the capture of a number of prisoners, the regiment retired to and held this position until after the close of the battle."

1. Sgt. William Vogt Co. G/ Pottsville.
2. Pvt. Henry Bowman Co. A/ Sch. Haven./ Wounded in the Wilderness 1864
3. Pvt. Charles Luckenbill Co. F/ Wayne Township
4. Pvt. Joseph Southham Co. C/ Transferred to Western Gunboat Service. Tamaqua.
5. Pvt. Ezra Bougher Co. B/ Suedberg.
6. Pvt. Lt. William H. Riland Co. B Friedensburg.
7. Pvt. George K Stroud Co. C/ Tower City.
8. Pvt. James D Canada Co. H/ Pottsville.


1. Pvt. John Donaldson Co. C.
2. Pvt. Philip Calavor Co. D.
3. Pvt. Charles Breyer Co. I/ Sch. Haven/ Wayne Twp.

A circular dated June 30, 1863 by the Army Of The Potomac Read:
" The men must be provided with 3 days rations in Haversacks and with 60 rounds of ammunition in the boxes and upon the person."

6th Corps 1st Div. 2nd Brig.
356 engaged 1wd.

Monument located on Wheatfield Road.
"Position of the 96th Regt. Penna. Volunteers, 2nd Brigade, 1st Division, 6th Corps, from 5p.m. of the 2nd until the morning of the 5th of July 1863"

Field and Staff
1. Major William Lessig/ Pottsville
2. Adjudant M.E. Richards/ Pottsville
3. Surgeon D.W. Bland/ Pottsville
4. Asst. Surg. J. R. Shamo/
5. Quaterm. J.A. Schweers/Pottsville
6. Sgt. Maj. Edward Philips/Pottsville
7. QMSgt. C Schollenberger/ Pottsville
8. ComSgt. J.J. Dampman/

Company A
1. Capt. John Harlan/
2. 1st. Lt. Edward Thomas/ Pottsville.
3. 2nd Lt. J.P. McGinness /
4. Sgt. Frank W. Simpson /
5. Sgt. William F. Lord / Pottsville.
6. Sgt. David Pritchard /
7. Sgt. Thomas Brown /
8. Corp. James Ness /
9. Corp. Edward C. McCormack/ Pottsville.
10. Corp. Lybrand Hoffman / St. Clair.
11. Corp. William Smith / Frailey Township.
12. Corp. Joseph Gee /
13. Pvt. William Beynon / Pottsville.
14. Pvt. J. Bartholomew / Mahanoy Township.
15. Pvt. John Berdineer /
16. Pvt. Warren Crossland/ Pottsville.
17. Pvt. Dallas Dampman /
18. Pvt. John Donegan / Pottsville.
19. Pvt. William Edwards / Pottsville.
20. Pvt. John Ferry /
21. Pvt. Ed Fenstermacher/ Pottsville.
22. Pvt. Willam Gould /
23. Pvt. J. Goldsworthy / Pottsville.
24. Pvt. August Garber / Pottsville.
25. Pvt. Daniel Hartline / Norwegian Township.
26. Pvt. J.W. Hopstine / Pottsville.
27. Pvt. Edeward Linner / Pottsville.
28. Pvt. Mike Larkin / Norwegian Township.
29. Pvt. John Laffert /

30. Pvt. M. Morrell / St. Clair
31. Pvt. Sylvester G. Rice / Pottsville.
32. Pvt. Frank Strouse /
33. Pvt. Alex Smith / Pottsville.
34. Pvt. John T. Stodd /
35. Pvt. Emanuel Templin /
36. Pvt. John Thompson /
37. Pvt. Daniel Welsh / Pottsville.
38. Pvt. William Weand /
39. Pvt. Nicholas Yost / Norwegian Township.

Company B

1. Capt. Levi Huber / Pine Grove
2. 1st. Lt John Van Holland/Pine Grove
3. 2nd Lt. Lewis Luckenbill/ Pine Grove
4. Sgt. Paul F. Barr/Pine Grove
5. Sgt. C.F. Umbenhauer/ Pine Grove
6. Sgt. Davis Huber/ Pine Grove
7. Sgt. Daniel Bonawitz/ Pine Grove
8. Sgt. Jacob Geier/ Pine Grove
9. Corp. Fred snyder/ Pine Grove
10. Corp. Fred Kline/
11. Corp. Edward Jones/
12. Corp. John Harvey/
13. Pvt. J. Bonawitz/
14. Pvt. Andrew Buchner/ Pine Grove
15. Pvt. Joseph Bauer/ Pine Grove
16. Pvt. Manlove Clifton/ Pine Grove
17. Pvt. Peter Clemence/ Pine Grove
18. Pvt. Jacob Christ/ Pine Grove
19. Pvt. Alex Dubbs/ Pine Grove
20. Pvt. Victor Dubbs/ Pine Grove
21. Pvt. Joseph Eich/ Pine Grove
22. Pvt. William Fritz/
23. Pvt. Irwin Fessler/ Pine Grove
24. Pvt. R. Goebell/ Pine Grove
25. Pvt. John Hardenace/
26. Pvt. John Hornish/
27. Pvt. Lewis Kotchin/
28. Pvt. William Lemman/
29. Pvt. Jacob Keffer/ Pine Grove
30. Pvt. Reuben Kaercher/ Pine Grove
31. Pvt. W.A. Leffler/ Pine Grove
32. Pvt. Bernard Litman/ Pine Grove
33. Pvt. Matt. Lambert/ Pine Grove
34. Pvt. Daniel Martin/ Pine Grove
35. Pvt. Solomon Moyer/ Pine Grove
36. Pvt. J.L. Mimmig/ Pine Grove
37. Pvt. Henry Miller/ Pine Grove
38. Pvt. William Mangold/
39. Pvt. George Nagle/ Pine Grove
40. Pvt. Henry Oether/ Pine Grove
41. Pvt. John Reed/
42. Pvt. Maurice Oestreich/ Pine Grove
43. Pvt. Isreal Reed/ Pine Grove
44. Pvt. W. S. Reindenl/
45. Pvt. E.W. Reed/ Pine Grove
46. Pvt. Joseph Sterner/ Pine Grove
47. Pvt. Fred Sieber/
48. Pvt. Francis Vaughan/Pine Grove
49. Pvt. Jacob Wanner/ Pine Grove
50. Pvt. Henry Zimmerman/ Pine Grove.

Company C

1. Capt. Isaac Severn /Pottsville
2. Sgt. Hugh Stevenson/ Pottsville
3. Sgt. James Oliver/Pottsville.
4. Sgt. David Williams/ Pottsville.
5. Sgt. George W. Foltz/ Pottsville.
6. Corp. John Alles/ Pottsville.
7. Corp. Sam Fisher/ Cressona.
8. Corp. Arthur Brannigan/ Pottsville.
9. Corp. George Delker/ Pottsville.
10. Pvt. Sylvanus Bishop/ Pottsville.
11. Pvt. William Beadle/
12. Pvt. Lewis Bocam/
13. Pvt. Louiis Bruns/ Pottsville.
14. Pvt. J.J. Crosland/ Pottsville.
15. Pvt. Martin Curry/ Pottsville.
16. Pvt. John Davis/
17. Pvt. George Farrel/ Sch. Haven.
18. Pvt. Charles Fisher/ Pottsville .
19. Pvt. Charles C. Fox/ Pottsville.
20. Pvt. George C. Fry/
21. Pvt. Thomas Garris/
22. Pvt. William Hay/
23. Pvt. John Hartman/ Norwegian township.
24. Pvt. Thomas Hilton/ Mahanoy Township
25. Pvt. Francis Knittle/
26. Pvt. James Lafferty/
27. Pvt. Adolf Lutz/
28. Pvt. William Miller/ Sch. Haven.
29. Pvt. John Paul/ Pottsville.
30. Pvt. Reuben Rishel/ Pottsville.
31. Pvt. Jacob Saylor/ Pottsville.
32. Pvt. Martin Spence/ Pottsville.
33. Pvt. John Simpson/
34. Pvt. Elias Trifoos/ Pottsville.
35. Pvt. Thomas Williams/ Pottsville.
36. Pvt. Perry Watts/ N. Manheim

Company D

1. Capt. John T. Boyle/ N. Manheim
2. 1st. Lt. John T Manhum/
3. 2nd Lt. Amos Forceman/ Pottsville.
4. Sgt. Ira Troy/ Palo Alto.
5. Sgt. Charles Beaumont/ Pottsville.
6. Sgt. Ezra Hendley/ Pottsville.
7. Sgt. William Henry/
8. Sgt. Sam Seitzinger/
9. Corp. Wiliam Hart/ St. Clair.
10. Corp. Thomas D. Price/

11. Corp. James Sands/ Pottsville.
12. Corp. James Gough/
13. Corp. John Cunnigham/
14. Pvt. Jonathan Becker/ Pottsville.
15. Pvt. William Campbell/ Pottsville.
16. Pvt. William Corby/
17. Pvt. Edward Freel/
18. Pvt. John Greenwood/
19. Pvt. Elijah Hart/ St. Clair
20. Pvt. Jacob Hart/ St. Clair.
21. Pvt. Edward Henry/ Pottsville.
22. Pvt. Luke Kelly/
23. Pvt. Jacob Kranch/
24. Pvt. Gomer LLewellyn/ Minersville.
25. Pvt. David Lewis/ Cass Township.
26. Pvt. William Mcglone/
27. Pvt. John Price/ Pottsville./ Drummer.
28. Pvt. George Ritzell/
29. Pvt. George Thomas/
30. Pvt. Jones Vanderslice/ Palo Alto.
31. Pvt. Michael Welsh/ Pottsville.
32. Pvt. Robert L. Wright/ Pottsville. /Drummer.

Company E

1. Capt. James Russell/ Pottsville
2. 1st. Lt. John Oberrender/ Pottsville
3. 2nd Lt. Thomas Reed/ Pottsville.
4. Sgt. Charles Russell/ Pottsville.
5. Sgt. William Zeigler/
6. Sgt. Morgan Luckenbill/
7. Sgt. Francis Kemp/ Pottsville.
8. Corp. Henry Roth/
9. Corp. John A. Aixler/
10. Pvt. John P. Brennan/
11. Pvt. Reuben Balliet/
12. Pvt. Josiah Balliet/
13. Pvt. Philip Cook/
14. Pvt. John Foley/ Cass Township.
15. Pvt. Lewis Fredrick/
16. Pvt. David Howard/
17. Pvt. Eli Keener/
18. Pvt. John Keely/
19. Pvt. William Mayberry/
20. Pvt. John Miller/
21. Pvt. Samuel Mumah/
22. Pvt. Benjamin Mitchel/
23. Pvt. Charles Paden/
24. Pvt. William Ramsey/
25. Pvt. George Sterling/ Pottsville.
26. Pvt. William D. Trout/
27. Pvt. Henry Weigner/

28. Pvt. Mark Whitebread/
29. Pvt. John E. Waters/ Musician.
30. Pvt. Daniel Whalen/
31. Pvt. Joseph Yost/ Schuylkill Township.

Company F

1. 1st. Lt. James Casey/
2. 2nd Lt. John Brennan/ Norweigan Township.
3. Sgt. Philip Reilly/ Pottsville.
4. Sgt. Robert Borland/
5. Sgt. John Walsh/ NOrweigan Township.
6. Sgt. William, McAlister/ Mahanoy Township.
7. Corp. Patrick Martin/ Minersville.
8. Corp. Mike Carrol/ Palo Alto.
9. Corp. Thomas Curry/
10. Corp. Bonaparte Fell/ Frailey Township.
11. Pvt. George Barnes/ Norwegian Township.
12. Pvt. Edward Britt/ Norwegian Township.
13. Pvt. Edward Ford/
14. Pvt. Hugh Glacken/ Palo Alto.
15. Pvt. Philip Goulden/ Mahanoy Township.
16. Pvt. Mike Cavanaugh/ Mahanoy Township.
17. Pvt. Mike Moran/ Minersville.
18. Pvt. Sylvester Maddock/ Mahanoy Township.
19. Pvt. William Manates/
20. Pvt. John O'Donnell/ Mahanoy Township.
21. Pvt. Patrick Powers/
22. Pvt. William Quirk/
23. Pvt. William Smith/ Pottsville.
24. Pvt. Aaron Williams/ Pottsville.

Company G

1. Capt. Jacob Haas/ Pottsville.
2. Pvt. Jacob Nice/ Minersville.
3. Pvt. James Zulich/ Orwigsburg./ Musician.

Company H

1. Capt. Samuel Russell/ Pottsville.
2. 1st. Lt. William H. Davis/
3. 2nd Lt. Joseph Johnson/

4. Sgt. John M. Hughes/
5. Sgt. Jacob Brubaker/
6. Sgt. George Hughes/
7. Sgt. James Treichler/
8. Sgt. Charles Colt/
9. Corp. John Kelly/
10. Corp. Joseph Monday/
11. Corp. John Shane/
12. Corp. Cornelius McNulty/
13. Corp. Daniel Engle/ Frailey Township.
14. Corp. John Donnelly/ Frailey Township.
15. Corp. John Boyer/
16. Corp. William Ortner/
17. Pvt. James Brassington/
18. Pvt. John Brobst/
19. Pvt. James Carrol/
20. Pvt. William Crosland/ Pottsville.
21. Pvt. Morris Clancey/
22. Pvt. Dennis Delaney/
23. Pvt. George Dull/
24. Pvt. Jonathan Erdman/ Tamaqua.
25. Pvt. Napolean Bickleman/
26. Pvt. Patrick Fell/ Frailey Township.
27. Pvt. William Fox/
28. Pvt. John Fink/
29. Pvt. Daniel Faust/ Mahanoy City.
30. Pvt. John Fowler/
31. Pvt. Jacob Gross/
32. Pvt. Edward Hudson/
33. Pvt. Fredrick Hoy/ Frailey Township.
34. Pvt. Henry Lutz/
35. Pvt. David Lanpblock/
36. Pvt. William Manear/
37. Pvt. Ephraim Moser/
38. Pvt. Thomas Morgan/
39. Pvt. Mike Haus/
40. Pvt. Joseph Pasco/
41. Pvt. Francis Reed/ Pottsville.
42. Pvt. Thomas Walker/
43. Pvt. John Weldon
44. Pvt. Henry Weon/
45. Pvt. Frank Whetstone/
46. Pvt. Charles Yost/ Musician/
47. Pvt. Daniel Zollers/

Company I

1. Capt. Matt Byrnes/ Potsville.
2. 1st. Lt. George Cake/ Pottsville.
3. 2nd Lt. William Cusack/ Pottsville
4. Sgt. Jerimiah Sullivan/ St. Clair.
5. Sgt. John Dalton/ Ashland.

6. Sgt. John Gleason/
7. Corp. Thomas Naughton/ St. Clair.
8. Corp. John Keegan/ St. Clair.
9. Pvt. Thomas Canton/ N. Manheim Township.
10. Pvt. James Conlon/ Cass Township.
11. Pvt. Ethan Crandale/
12. Pvt. Steven Horan/ Pottsville.
13. Pvt. Peter Kelly/ St. Clair / Musician.
14. Pvt. Mike Keating/
15. Pvt. Henry Law/ Musician/
16. Pvt. James McArdle/ Blyhte Township.
17. Pvt. James McDevitt/
18. Pvt. Tim O'Conner/ St. Clair.
19. Pvt. Adam Reb/ Pottsville/ Wagoner.
20. Pvt. Thomas Riley/ New Castle Township.
21. Pvt. John Sullivan/ St. Clair.
22. Pvt. James Sexton/ Pottsville.
23. Pvt. James Tye/ Pottsville.

Company K

1. Capt. Richard Budd/
2. 2nd Lt. Andrew Andewrson/
3. Sgt. Thomas Burns/
4. Sgt. William Curn/
5. Corp. William Abelwright/
6. Corp. James Mcguigan/
7. Corp. William Brennan/ Cass Township.
8. Corp. Patrick Welsh/
9. Pvt. John Brennan/ Cass Township.
10. Pvt. Lawerence Bradley/ New Castle Township.
11. Pvt. Patrick Downey/ Cass Township.
12. Pvt. John G. Farrel/
13. Pvt. Patrick Ford/
14. Pvt. Thomas Gribben/
15. Pvt. Dominick Hart/ New Castle Township.
16. Pvt. Patrick Laddia/
17. Pvt. Thomas Moore/ St. Clair.
18. Pvt. James O'Donald/ Ashland.
19. Pvt. Joseph Rutledge/ Musician.

Private Henry Keiser a member of Company G from Lykens, Dauphin County kept a diary throughout the war and kept a descriptive look at what the 96th did during the Gettysburg Campaign.
July 2, 1863
"Instead of turning to the left last night, we should have turned to the right, and by the time we were fairly started on the right road, it was daylight. At 8:30 this morning we crossed the line into Pennsylvania, and at 10 A.M. we passed through Littlestown. The civilians along the line of march could not do enough for us. Most every household standing ready with water buckets dealing out water to the boys as we marched along, and the Stars and Stripes hanging out in all directions. It made us feel as if we were home once more, and the citizens of Southern Pennsylvania, through their kindness to the soldiers have put now life into us. Can hear heavy canonading ahead all day. At five O'clock this evening we arrived at what is called Little Round Top, a short distance from Gettysburg. Very heavy firing to our left at 5 o'clock. At six this evening we filed left, marched some distance, when we formed a line of battle on a knoll and in some underbrush. Our troops gave way and the Rebs drove our men. The Penna. Reserves, forming on our front, counter charged the Rebs our line following up sharp. The enemy was driven back and we regained the ground lost a short time before. We halted in a hollow behind a stone fence, having marched, since last evening, thirty two miles. At the time we formed a battle line, I threw my knapsack, being to tired to carry it into a charge, but after advancing a short distance the regiment was halted and the men unslung knapsacks and had guards placed over them. As we were going in General Sickles was carried past on a stretcher."
July 3, 1863
" Last evening while the enemy was being driven back the troops on Little Round Top cheered justly, but the Rebs cut it short by giving them a dose of artillery which made the boys take to their holes in the rocks in "Double Quick," This morning Col. Lessig informed our Captain that their were some spare knapsacks left on the knoll where they had been left, guarded by the pioneers, which those of the boys having lost knapsacks could get. The captain informed us about it and I thinking I might get one went up and the first one on the pile was my own knapsack. The field is covered with dead and wounded. There must be fearful fighting on the right judging from the very heavy firing, sometimes coming down the line pretty near to us. We were shelled occasionally during the day, but none of our company were hurt. At five o'clock this evening, the Reserves in our front charged the enemy and drove them over a mile taking prisoners."
July 4, 1863
" All is quiet along the line this morning."

Captain Samuel Russel from Pottsville wrote home to his mother about the battle he was just in, although some of the information he was reporting was inaccurate it actually tells what the soldiers heard and thought. This letter was published in the Miners Journal July 12 1863.

From The 96th Regiment PV.
Battlefield near Gettysburg Pa.
July 4, 1863

My Dear Mother
The last letter I mailed you, was, I think, from Barnsville, Md. Since then we have had very long and rapid marched. Our Corps arrived here on the afternoon of the 2d after a hard march of 32 miles, and just in time to save our army from a total defeat, as it appeared at the time. Our Corps went into it splendidly, driving the rebels in every direction and recapturing the artillery that the 5th Corps had lost. Our regiment had but one man wounded. We were right in were the balls flew thick and fast, and how we got off so well I do not see. Yesterday we were opened on several times by the rebel artillery and sharpshooters. We had built a barricade which protected us from their fire. Our success yesterday was most complete. We repulsed the rebels at every attack. I suppose we captured 8000 prisoners and also General Longstreet. The portion of the field we occupy is strewn with mostly with our dead. Very few of the rebels are to be seen, but I am told a short distance beyond here they lay thick. Last evening our line was advanced and we captured between two and three regiments. The men are in splendid spirits. The smell of the dead is awful. we have not have time to bury them. We will wind up the rebel army before they reach the Potomac. We have all got sixty-five crackers to celebrate the day with. I must close.
Samuel R. Russel.
Captain Co. H 96th PVI

6th Corps 3rd Div. 3rd Brig.
406 engaged 11wd.

Monument location on field north of the Wheatfield and Sykes Ave
" Arrived here July 2nd about 5 p.m. immediately charged into the Wheatfield and woods to the left. About dark rejoined the brigade north of the road where the other monument stands." "Wheatfield road. The regiment was the advance of the sixth Corps in its march from Manchester, Md. to the battlefield and occupied this position from the evening of July 2nd until the close of the battle.

1. Howe. K Seddinger Hospital Steward/ Vet 1864
2. Pvt. William H. Zimmerman Co. B/ Minersville.
3. Pvt. Louis Frank Co. B / Wounded at Gettysburg
4. Pvt. Fredrick Strohm Co. E
5. Pvt. Fredrick Headerly Co. K
6. Pvt. George marquett Co. E/ St. Clair.
7. Pvt. George Marquardt Co. F/ Port Carbon.

3RD Corps 1st Div. 2nd Brig.
339 engaged 18k-81wd-11m

Monument located Sickles Ave &Hancock Ave.
"Fought on this line in the afternoon of July 2nd."

1. Sgt. William Rushell Co. C/ St. Clair/ Wounded At Gettysburg July 2/ Deserted 3-23-64
2, Pvt. Robert Thomas Co. C/ Vet M.O. 1864
3. Pvt. John Beadle Co. C/ St. Clair
Died of wounds in July.
4. Pvt. Andrew Murphy Co. F/ Wounded at Spotsylvania
5-12-64 / Minersville.
5. Pvt. Patrick Foley Co. K/ Cass Township/Wounded at Wilderness 5-5-69
6. Pvt. William R. Williams Co. C.
7. Pvt. Ephraim Thompson Co. C/ Gordon
8. Pvt. John Hummel Co. D/ Minersville.
9. Pvt. Henry Williams Co. F.

3RD Corps 1st Div. 1st. Brig.
307 engaged 8k-115wd-9m

Monument located on Emmitsburg Rd.
" July 2nd position from 2 to 4 p.m. Moved across the Emmitsburg road. Being outflanked the Regiment changed front facing south and formed line along the lane at right angles to the road from which it retired fighting."

1. Lt. Isaac Dunsten Co. C/ Middleport
Thigh fractured 2 July; died 26 August at letterman hospital. and buried next day.
2. Pvt. Edward Kline Co. D/ New Castle Township.

"of the 27, 574 muskets picked up on the battlefield and turned into the Washington Arsenal at least half of them were loaded."


2nd Corps 2nd Div. 2nd Brig.
335 engaged 9k-54wd-1m

Monument located on Hancock Ave and Emmitsburg Rd.
"Position of the regiment on July 2, 1863. In the evening the Regiment assisted in repulsing a charge of the enemy on this line and made a counter charge to the Emmitsburg road in which 3 guns of Battery B 1st Rhode Island were recovered and at the Cordori House captured 250 prisoners."

1. Capt. William M. Jones / Minersville.

1st Corps 2nd Div. 1st Brig.
255 engaged 11k=56wd-98m

Monument located on Doubleday Ave.
"July 1, the regiment fought here from 1 p.m. until the Corps retired and then took position on the left of the cemetery Hill. In the evening of the 2nd moved to the left to support the second Corps, and after the repulse of the enemy returned to former position. On the 3rd moved several times to reinforce different parts of the line."

1. Sgt. Sam Lehman Co. G/ Pine Grove Township/ POW 8-64 to 1865.
2. Corp William Sterner Co. G Wayne Township/ Vet.1865
3. Pvt. Reuben G. Miller Co. G Hubley Township/ Vet 1865
4. Pvt. Eliash Dietrich Co. G/ Pine Grove Township/ Died Dec. 1863.
5. Pvt. George Huber Co. G/ Pine Grove Township/ Vet 1865
6. Pvt. Henry Heckler Co. G/ Pine Grove Township
7. Pvt. Henry Hoy Co. Co. G/ Pine Grove Township/ Captured 56-19-64 dies in Pine Grove.
8. Pvt. John Lehr Co Ravine.

Wounded At Gettysburg./ Vet 1864
9. Pvt. David Reed Co. G/ Pine Grove Township/ Captured at Weldon RR dies in Salisbury Prison.
10. Pvt. Nick Snyder Co. G
11. Pvt. Philip Clauser Co. G/ Branch Township
12. Pvt. John Fox Co. Co. G/ Hegins Township/ Vet 1865
13. Pvt. Nathan Dinger Co.D/ Hegins Township
14. Pvt. Christian Sheck Co. G/ Pine Grove
15. Pvt. Harrison Manwilller Co. G/ Pine Grove Township.
16. Pvt. Frances Heilner Co. G.

12th Corps 2nd Div. 2nd Brig.
149 engaged 3k-6wd-1m

Monument is located on Slocum Ave.

" July 1st. the regiment arrived within two miles of Gettysburg about 5 p.m. and took position on the left of the Baltimore Pike. July 2nd it moved here and built these works. In the evening it was withdrawn with the Brigade, and returning in the night, found the works in the possession of the enemy, when it formed at right angles to this line behind a ledge of rocks to the left and rear of this position designated by a marker. After severe fighting on the morning of the 3rd this line was re-captured and held until the close of the battle."

1. Pvt. James Purcell Co. F/ Cass Township./ Captured at Peach Tree Creek Ga. 7-20-64.
2. Pvt. Jonathan Humphrey Co. F.

3rd Corps 2nd Div. 3rd Brig.
182 engaged 3k-18wd-3m

Monument located on De Trobrian Ave.d
" July 2. This Regiment detached from the brigade engaged the enemy here at 4:30 p.m. July 3, In position with Division on left centre of the line."

1. Pvt. James Boyd Co. A/ Tamaqua
2. Pvt. John Collins Co. A/ Tamaqua
3. Pvt. William Partington Co. A/ Tamaqua
4. Pvt. Manus Conagham Co B/ Tamaqua / Captured at The Wilderness 5-6-64.
5. Pvt. William Weldon Co B/ Tamaqua
6. Pvt. Charles Weldon Co.B/ Tamaqua
The remainder of the men were transferred to Co. F 110 P.V.I.
on 6-22-64.

1st Corps 3rd Div. 1st. Brig.
467 engaged 51k-211wd-75m

Monument Located on Reynolds Ave.
"July 1. Fought here and in the Grove west of the Theological Seminary, July 2. In reserve on Cemetery Hill. July 3. In position on left centre and assisted in repulsing the charge of the enemy in the afternoon.

Field And Staff.
1. Surgeon Jonas H. Kauffman/ Pottsville.
Company I
1. Capt. William Grey/ Cressona/ Captured 7-1-63 Gettysburg.
2. Lt. H.H. Merkle/ Cressona / Wounded 7-1-63 Gettsburg
3. Lt. Charles Potts/ Pottsville/ Captured 7-1-63 Gettysburg.
4. Sgt. John Cohoon/ Frackville/ Captured 7-1-63 Gettysburg.
5. Sgt. Charles Bartlett/ Wounded 7-1-63 Gettysburg.
6. Sgt. Joe Kantner/ Cressona / Wounded 7-1-63 Gettysburg.
7. Corp. Elias Bartolett/ Wounded 7-1-63 Gettysburg.
8. Corp. John Buchanan / Captured 7-1-63 Gettysburg.
9. Corp. Frank W. Berkheiser/ Wayne Township/
10. Pvt. Jonathan Auchenbach/ Wayne Township / Wounded 7-1-63 Gettysburg.
11. Pvt. Daniel Bresler/ Wayne Township/
12. Pvt. Patrick Brennan/ Manheim Township
Listed as wounded and missing/ KIA July 1.
13. Pvt. Albert Bacon/ Manheim / Wounded 7-1-63 Gettysburg.
14. Pvt. Ben Dillman/ Cressona
15 Pvt. Daniel Dillman/ Cressona
16. Pvt. William Delp/ Manheim Township / Wounded 7-1-63 Gettysburg.
17. Pvt. John C. Duncan/ Manheim Township
18. Pvt. Elias Delcamp/ Wounded 7-1-63 Gettysburg.
19. Pvt. John Deitrich / Captured Gettysburg 7-1-63.
20. Pvt. Franklin Ebly/ North Manheim Township
21. Pvt. Adam Eichley
22. Pvt. Dan Fessler/ North Manheim / Wounded 7-1-63 Gettysburg.
23. Pvt. Mike Fessler/ North Manheim / Wounded 7-1-63 Gettysburg.
24. Pvt. Jacob Fisher/ North Manheim /
25. Pvt. Henry Felton/ North Manheim
Wounded and missing KIA July 1, 1863
26. Pvt. Commodore Hendricks/ Sch. Haven/ Captured Gettysburg 7-1-63.
27. Pvt. Samuel Howser/ Captured 7-1-63 Gettysburg.
28. Pvt. Jacob Hohmakre
29. Pvt. Don Hilbert/ Branch Township
30. Pvt. Charles Heinrich / Sch. Haven
31. Pvt. Isaac Jones
32. Pvt. Lewis Lebengood/ Cressona'
33. Pvt. George W. Coover/ North Manheim
34. Pvt. Harvey McCaty
35. Pvt. John McClure / Missing Gettysburg 7-1-63.
36. Pvt. William Moyer/ Wayne Township / wounded 7-1-63 Gettysburg.
37. Pvt. William McLaughlin/ Captured 7-1-63 Gettysburg.
38. Pvt. William Manning/ North Manheim
Wounded and Missing in action KIA.
39. Pvt. Anson C. Miller/ North Manheim
Shot in the left thigh and both knees 1 July. Died 1 August.
40. Pvt. Steven Palsgrove/ Sch. Haven
41. Pvt. John Runkle/ Cressona
42. Pvt. Jerimiah Reed/ Wounded 7-1-63 Gettysburg.
43. Pvt. Jacob Rauch

44. Pvt. Jerimiah Stait/ North Manheim / Wounded 7-1-63 Gettysburg.
45. Pvt. Oliver Schwartz/ Captured 7-1-63 Gettysburg.
46. Pvt. Peter Schnerring/ Wayne Township
47. Pvt. William Wessner/ Cass Township
48. Pvt. Daniel Yeik/ Wayne Township/ Wounded 7-1-63 Gettysburg.
49. Pvt. John Zimmerman/ North Manheim
50. Pvt. Ben Zimmerman/ North Manheim
51. Pvt. George Zeckman / Wounded 7-1-63 Gettysburg.
52. Lieut. John Witman Co. G/ Ashland
53. Pvt. J.N. Kaufman C. G
54. Pvt. J.Y. Strouse Co. H/ Washington Township
55. Pvt. George Reber Co. H/ Washington Township.
56. Pvt. Isaac Derr Co. H Barry Township.
57. Pvt. George Knoll Co. H/ Pottsville.

Lieut. Charles P. Potts from Pottsville one of the officers of the 151st at Gettysburg kept a short diary of his regiment and also wrote a short story of there involvement in the battle and there capture and imprisonment at Libby Prison. Following is the description of the fight at Gettysburg
" Marched from Emmitsburg to Gettysburg without a halt and directly into the fight . Careful fighting on both sides. Forces on either side. Our regiment supports a Battery the greater part of a day. Went to the front about 3 o'clock. Rebs outnumbered us two to one. Form line in entrenchments before Seminary. Parts of four regiments in entrenchments held rebs in check for about half an hour. Forced to retire into town. Rebs swing around the town and capture about 5000 officers and men.
July 2, 1863
Placed in field about one mile northwest of town. Rebs held in check, but think they will be able to drive our men on the morrow. Guarded by the 17th Va. Infantry, commanded by Col. French. Well treated, and find an old Colonel a gentleman, but no provisions.
July 3, 1863
Batteries in full play. Awful cannonading and musketry Rebs feel bad and look blue. Are not very confident of success.
(afternoon) Battle wages with great fury, (night) Great confusion among the rebs. Cattle and trains moving, that sound very much like a skedaddle. Ask guard what is wrong, he tells me they are going foraging. Don't see much in that light. Ask him if he don't wish himself back in old Va.
He says the days will not be long, and he will be through. Is not in favor of fighting the north. Does not want Yankees to subdue them and confiscate their homes, and dishonor their wives. No rations for three days. Offered parole advised not to accept.
July 4, 1863
Glorious old fourth but cannot enjoy it much in my present position no rations, no clothes, but what is on my back, and old half of a blanket. Rebs retreating as fast as possible, through drenching rain. Long train of wagons, containing wounded rebels, household furniture, in fact anything everything that they could carry off, chairs, bed quilts, covers, lids, mowing machines, scythes and their horses decorated with sleigh bells."
Lieut. Potts would be a prisoner in 5 different prisons and would not be exchanged until September 9, 1864.

"Over 5,400,000 rounds were estimated to have been expended (fired or dropped) during the battle by the Army of The Potomac. This equals about 193 tons of lead and 23 tons of black Powder."


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Is there a listing for 50th PA? I had 2 grgrgrandfathers in the 50th-one, Harrison Walton, was wounded at Gettysburg. It was on Emmitsburg Road, according to his pension papers, but don't quite know when they were engaged.

  3. I'm sorry- of course the 50th wasn't at Gettysburg- he was wounded at Spottsylvania. Another relative was killed at Gettysburg, so information became confused in the family.

  4. John Mason Is my 3x Grandfather. He was wounded on the first day in later put in the Veterans Corps. Thank you for the post respecting all these men.
